Summer Bucket List

Hello! Welcome back to my blog! If this actually posts on the correct day then it is Monday and I am currently in Colorado (with no electronics) at camp! In my last post I said I would be at camp for a week so I wouldn’t post for a while, but guess what!? I am at camp but I had time to write these posts in advance just for you all! So today I wanted to do something fun and lighthearted so I decided to present to you (drum roll please!!) my 2015 summer bucket list! Yayy! I think bucket lists are a fun way to set up little adventures and fun activities for yourself throughout the summer so without further ado: My 2015 Summer Bucket List!

1. Have a Disney Movie Marathon. Okay, like who wouldn’t want to spend a full day watching Disney movies with friends!?!

2. Bake cookies to give to a nursing home. How fun would that be?!?!

3. Play Paint Twister. Typically, I would stay far away from anything involving me getting messy but I decided this could quite possibly be fun…maybe not…we will have to see about this one.

4. Spend a day doing random acts of kindness. You guys. I am sooooo excited about this one! This one speaks for itself, like what wouldn’t be fun about making other people happy!?!

5. Bake in the middle of the night. To bake at night with my friends would be a whole lot of fun!

6. Make spaghetti tacos. Ever since iCarly I have wanted to do this! I must give it a try!

7. Write letters to myself and friends and open in the summer of 2016. I love seeing how much I have changed through the year! This will be a quick and fun thing to do in the summer!

8. Give 100 compliments in one day. I want to spend a whole day making sure other people are happy and that they see their self worth.

9. Pick Strawberries. Yes. Just yes.

10. Build a sandcastle. I will be going to Gulf Shores this summer so this is just bound to happen!

11. Build a blanket fort. Ohh wont this just bring back several memories of my childhood? How fun it will be to make a fort with friends?!?

12. Watch the sunrise. I have ALWAYS wanted to see the sunrise and I am determined to do just that this summer!

Thanks for reading my summer bucket list! Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day and I’ll talk to you again soon!