Pray, Always.

Hi! Welcome back to my blog! I hope you are all having a great today! Today I wanted to talk about prayer!

A lot of the times I hear people talking about their struggles and they first thing I ask them is “did you pray about this?” And I am sure you can guess, their answer is almost always no. But really, the first thing they should have done when things got tough was pray. God listens to all our prayers and answers them, always! Instead of complaining and telling other people about your day to day struggles you should be praying about them! If you seem to be going through a really tough time pray to God for understanding on why he put you in that certain situation, because He has a reason!

Often times people turn to everything they can possibly turn  towards in order to fix the situation. But, what we all really should be doing is praying first before anything else! When in a panic pray! Always pray.

Thanks for reading! New blog post will be up on Thursday!

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, who call on Him in truth.”-Psalm 145:18